Kickstarter Success!

I just keep reading this sentence: 

355 backers pledged $10,520 to help bring this project to life.

355 of you! That's absolutely incredible. There aren't enough thank you's in the world. We are so humbled by your support. We can't wait to bring you an absolutely stellar album.

During the final hour of the campaign, we hosted a Facebook Live event from the studio. If you missed it, never fear, you can still watch! It's split into two events - you can watch here and here. (Lucky accidentally hit the wrong button 10 minutes from the end, and we had to start a separate recording.)

These are our "We just raised $10,520 on Kickstarter!" faces.

These are our "We just raised $10,520 on Kickstarter!" faces.

We're going to keep you posted as the album progresses. So far, the studio time has been incredibly productive, so we're anticipating having recording complete by early March, then do mixing and fixing in March and early April, and then send the CD off to the printer in early May.

Vote 4 Maidens!

If you have a moment, we'd love it if you could vote for us as Best Local Original Band in the Washington City Paper's "Best of DC." It only takes 30 seconds!

Thank you all, again, so much, for your generosity, for spreading the word, for the excitement that kept us going throughout this campaign. You are amazing!

Kickstarter Update: Whoaaaa, we're halfway there!

Greetings and salutations!

Greetings and salutations!

As I write this update (from the studio! with all Maidens present for the first time since we started recording this thing!), we're on Day 16 of our 30-day campaign - just over the halfway mark. Thanks to all of you, we have a little over $8,200 pledged so far!

Remember, if we reach $9,000, everyone who pledged $18+ will receive a set of 4 coasters and a digital-exclusive blooper reel in addition to the bonus magnet and other rewards you've selected! (We're also in the process of coming up with a $10,000 stretch goal - stay tuned!)

As mentioned in a previous update...

More money raised through Kickstarter = 
Less we have to spend from our savings = 
More opportunities for us to perform at cons, more cushion to cope with the unexpected, and more new merch available to sell at our shows!

So please keep spreading the word!


Today is our fourth studio recording session, and as I type this, Flint is recording the principal vocals for "Rummer, the Rumrunner." It's so cool to hear her finally record this song, after I've been performing it with her for 6 years between two different bands! It sounds so fecking awesome, y'all. I can't wait for you to hear it. 

At this point, we've laid down partial recordings for every song on the album, which is a huge milestone.

Here's a glimpse behind the curtain for organization geeks (like me). We're using an app called Trello to track the progress of each song as it goes through the process.

Each song is represented by a little card that can be dragged between lists labeled "To Do," "Recording in Process," "Ready to Mix," "Mixing & Cleanup," and "Ready for CD." Since each person's part gets recorded separately (so we can make sure everyone sounds good on every part of every track), each card also expands to show a tiny checklist of the parts that have been recorded and still need to be recorded, like so:

We're slightly ahead of our plan at this point, which is fantastic. The experience from recording our first album is paying off, and our friends at Asparagus Media Studios are bloody efficient.

People We <3

I gushed in a previous update about Amanda F'ing Palmer retweeting a link to our campaign, and Earth Station One featuring us on their podcast, which were both awesome, but I wanted to give some love to a few more of our favorite musicians, writers, and performers who have been kind enough to promote the campaign, too:

GIANT THANKS to all of you, and to anyone we may have inadvertently missed in this list! And thanks again to absolutely everyone who has backed the project and continued to share the link with friends and online groups.

Until next time, keep circulating the tapes - er, keep sharing the link!

-"Lucky" Annie

2nd album Kickstarter is LIVE

We're super excited to announce the launch of our Kickstarter to fund our second album!

We'd love it if you could:

  1. Contribute
  2. Share the link to the Kickstarter with your friends and tell them to contribute (you can use if that's easier)

Keep sharing, even if we reach our initial goal. Our $5,000 initial goal will get us to a 10-song album, but we'd love to do a 12-song album, which will require additional funding. We have a couple of stretch goals set up that will get you more tracks and more merch, so stay tuned!

Kickstarter Launching Jan. 3: Back Us on Day One!

On January 3, 2017, at 12:01 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, we will be launching the Kickstarter to fund our second album. 

To help make this Kickstarter a success, we have one simple goal: 

***Get as many people as possible to back us on the FIRST day of the campaign.***


Kickstarter is more likely to feature our project on their homepage if we get a large number of people backing us right out of the gate. And if we make it to the homepage, we'll get even more backers (and new fans!). This worked fantastically well for us in 2015, so we're hoping to replicate that success.


The total amount RAISED on the first day doesn't matter - just the total number of backers. So, yes, even $1 helps! Remember that you can change your pledge level any time between Jan. 3 and when the campaign ends Feb. 2, and your credit card won't be charged until after the campaign ends in February.


♥ ♥ ♥ You rock. You can help by spreading the word:
1. RSVP and invite your friends to our Day One Backers event on Facebook.
2. Tweet/Facebook post about how excited you are for our second album with our Official Campaign Hashtag, #MoreMaidens
3. Ask your friends, individually, to back the campaign. People are more likely to give if asked personally!
4. Know someone with a podcast or blog that would be interested in us? Tell them! We'd love to spread the word through some new channels. They can reach us at Or if you have a blog or podcast, invite people to back us at Once the campaign launches, that link will point right to it.


We want you to go to our Kickstarter (link will be posted on launch day) and pledge at least $1 to back the campaign on January 3. 


Kickstarter is an online platform on which people can raise money for projects. The biggest thing setting Kickstarter apart from other fundraising platforms is that if we don't reach our initial goal ($5,000 for a full-length album), we get NOTHING. So it's very, very important that we hit that goal. Learn more about Kickstarter here:

Want to see album #2? Plan to back our Kickstarter in early January!

We're gearing up to launch our Kickstarter for our second CD! We learned a lot from the previous Kickstarter, and we're working ahead on as many things as possible this time around.

If you want to make sure you're in the loop when the Kickstarter launches, please sign up for our mailing list. We promise to email to alert you when the Kickstarter is live (and not too often after that).


  1. The best way to ensure we're able to create CD #2 is to back the Kickstarter on Day 1, even if it's only for $1. The more backers we have on the first day, the more likely we'll get featured on the Kickstarter website and gain the momentum we need to hit our goal.
  2. We'll post a Facebook event to remind you to back us on Day 1 - watch for it! RSVPing for that virtual event is the only way you can get exclusive sneak-peeks at our rewards!
  3. Your credit card won't be charged until the end of the campaign, so feel free to spend money before you have it!

More info forthcoming! Watch this space.