How we're supporting #BlackLivesMatter protests

Q: Hey Maidens! You keep saying "Black Lives Matter" but what the fuck are you doing to support the protestors?

A: Obviously, voicing support is not enough. We've all been taking actions and donating individually, but here's what we're doing as a band:

1. We're donating 100% of our share of May and June Bandcamp sales ( to Black Lives Matter.

Please note that Friday, May 5, Bandcamp is waiving their revenue share, so purchases made on the platform will have greater impact.

2. We're using our Twitter to boost Black voices and action alerts and are generally avoiding promoting our own stuff this month. Follow us there:

3. We want to do more to boost Black performers and content creators. We did a thread on Facebook yesterday asking for people's favorites, and are going to do additional threads on Twitter where we can retweet people's recommendations.

4. We challenge our White fans in particular to: Listen to Black people. Educate yourself on systemic racism. Take action to end systemic racism and police brutality through donating and civic activism.

Black lives matter.